Lend a hand to beautify the fence around the new Welcome Center at North House. As construction continues, the Northwoods Fiber Guild is leading an effort to add some color and festivity to the chain link fence surrounding the project. Come weave and wind colorful fabric to make a temporary landscape mural on the fence, eventually populated with handmade felted items. No experience or skill necessary. 

Drop in anytime between 1-5:30; kids with adults are welcome. We'll be outside if the weather is warm enough and inside the Red Building if it's too cold or windy or wet. If you have any blankets you wish to donate to the project or questions, please drop them off at the North House school store or reach out to Elise Kyllo 612-961-4691. It's not quite a May Pole, but it will be fun! 

Also, come help cut and prepare materials on Friday, April 26 from 4-5:30 in the Boat Barn.

500 W Hwy 61